Much needed anti-cancer drugs should might phase in zero tariffs: Premier Li

More than 20 million Chinese people will be covered by a serious disease insurance program as the government is increasing subsidies this year, Premier Li Keqiang said.

Premier Li Keqiang met the press after the closing session of the National People's Congress on Tuesday morning. During the press, Premier Li Keqiang gave some answers to health care issues:

About Serious Disease Insurance

Li said China improved its basic health care system over the past years, but some families still fall through the safety net. The government will take measures to better serve those with serious diseases which can push families back into poverty, Li said.

More than 20 million Chinese people will be covered by a serious disease insurance program as the government is increasing subsidies this year, Premier Li Keqiang said.

"More than 30 million Chinese people still live below the poverty line and face the risk of falling back to poverty due to serious diseases," Li said.

He said the government subsidies for basic health care insurance will be raised and half of the increase will be spent on the serious disease insurance program. The program will also cover more types of serious diseases, he said.

About Anti-cancer Drugs’ Tariffs

Li said China still has much room for further opening up its market and will lower overall tariffs on imports. Tariffs on popular consumer goods, including drugs, will be slashed, while the much-needed anti-cancer drugs might phase in zero tariffs.

About Medical Resource Accessibility

Li also said that the government will make quality medical resources more accessible at the community level.

Despite a deficit in service trade, China will increase efforts in relaxing control over market access to the service sector, including old-age care and medical care, according to him.

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